Hélène Flautre observera le procès de Pınar Selek et le procès des assassins de Hrant Dink

Hélène Flautre, Co-pré­si­dente de la Com­mis­sion Par­le­men­taire Mixte UE-Tur­quie, sera à Istan­bul afin d’as­sis­ter aux pro­cès des assas­sins de Hrant Dink, lun­di 7 février et de Pinar Selek, mer­cre­di 9 février.

Nous sou­hai­tons par ailleurs atti­rer votre atten­tion sur l’ap­pel par­le­men­taire lan­cé en sou­tien à Pinar Selek. Vous trou­ve­rez le texte de cet appel ain­si que la liste des signa­taires en date du 4 février ci-des­sous.

Contacts : Ali Yurt­ta­gul 0090 536 308 76 74 / Maga­lie Clee­ren 0032 4 79 65 53 07


MEP’s appeal in sup­port to Pinar Selek

This Februa­ry 9, Pinar Selek will be retried for the ump­teenth time after 13 years of judi­cial harass­ment. Kaf­kian trials where she is char­ged ofha­ving pla­ced a bomb in the Egyp­tian Bazaar in Istan­bul­des­pite seve­ral reports attri­bu­ting the explo­sion to a gas leak.

What are the « Crimes » this Tur­kish socio­lo­gist, wri­ter and acti­vist is accu­sed of ? Nothing else than ana­ly­zing socie­ty, ques­tio­ning its taboos and enga­ging her­self with the most vul­ne­rable people. As an enga­ged citi­zen, she pays dear­ly her will to unders­tand the Kur­dish mat­ter in a per­iod domi­na­ted by a police state where tor­ture was sys­te­ma­tic.

Alrea­dy clea­red twice, her case is retur­ned to the Supreme Court of Appeals » Grand Cham­ber­wi­thout any new evi­dence brought to the file ; she now faces life impri­son­ment after judi­cial twists as incom­pre­hen­sible and unac­cep­table in the light of Tur­key’s com­mit­ments to human rights.

We lis­te­ned to Pinar’s sto­ry when she was invi­ted by the Euro­pean Par­lia­ment, a sto­ry of injus­tice and conti­nuing threats during the past 13 years. Convin­ced, as were the judges of first ins­tance, of her inno­cence, we deci­ded to join the « Friends of Pinar » group. We hope she will again be clea­red on Februa­ry 9 so she can final­ly build a free life.

We deci­ded to bring this claim to the Euro­pean Par­lia­ment debate and to sup­port her bat­tle for jus­tice.

BÉLIER San­drine (Greens/EFA — France)

BESSET Jean-Paul (Greens/EA — France)

BREPOELS Frie­da(Greens/EFA — Bel­gium)

CANFIN Pas­cal (Greens/E­FA- France)

CASHMAN Michael (S&D — Uni­ted King­dom)

CHOUNTIS Niko­laos (GUE/NGL — Greece)

COHN-BENDIT Daniel, (Greens/EFA — France) — Co-Pre­sident of the Greens/ EFA group

DE BRÚN Bairbre (GUE/NGL — Uni­ted King­dom)

DELLI Kari­ma (Greens/EFA — France)

DUFF Andrew (ALDE/ADLE — Uni­ted King­dom)

FLAUTRE Hélène, (Greens/EFA- France) — Co-Pre­sident of the EU-Tur­key Joint Par­lia­men­ta­ry Com­mit­tee

GOMES Ana (S&D — Por­tu­gal)

GRÈZE Cathe­rine (Greens/EFA — France)


HALL Fio­na (ALDE/ADLE — Uni­ted King­dom)

HAUTALA Heidi,(Greens/EFA — Fin­land) — Chair of the Sub-com­mit­tee on Human Rights

JADOT Yan­nick (Greens/EFA — France)

JOLY Eva (Greens/EFA — France)

KELLER Fran­zis­ka (Greens/EFA — Ger­ma­ny)

KIIL-NIELSEN Nicole (Greens/EFA — France)

KOPPA Maria Ele­ni, (S&D — Greece) — Vice Pre­sident of the EU dele­ga­tion to Tur­key

KOUMOUTSAKOS Geor­gios, (EPP — Greece) — Vice Pre­sident of the EU dele­ga­tion to Tur­key

LAMBERT Jean (Greens/EFA — Uni­ted Kind­gom)

LOCHBIHLER Bar­ba­ra (Greens/EFA- Ger­ma­ny) — Mem­ber of the Sub-com­mit­tee on Human Rights

LUDFORD Sarah (ALDE/ADLE — Uni­ted King­dom)

MCCARTHY Arlene (S&D — Uni­ted King­dom)

PAPADOPOULOU Anti­go­ni (S&D — Cyprus)

RAPTI Syl­va­na (S&D — Greece)

RIVASI Michèle (Greens/EFA — France)

ROMEVA i RUEDA Raül (Greens/EFA — Spain)

RUEHLE Heide (Greens/EFA — Ger­ma­ny)

SØNDERGAARD Søren Bo (GUE/NGL — Den­mark)

STAES Bart (Greens/EFA — Bel­gium)

STAVRAKAKIS Geor­gios (S&D — Greece)

SVENSSON Eva-Britt (GUE/NGL — Swe­den)

TAYLOR Keith (Greens/E­FA- Uni­ted King­dom)

TAVARES Rui (GUE/NGL — Por­tu­gal)

VERGIAT Marie-Chris­tine (GUE/NGL — France)

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