Hélène Flautre, Co-présidente de la Commission Parlementaire Mixte UE-Turquie, sera à Istanbul afin d’assister aux procès des assassins de Hrant Dink, lundi 7 février et de Pinar Selek, mercredi 9 février.
Nous souhaitons par ailleurs attirer votre attention sur l’appel parlementaire lancé en soutien à Pinar Selek. Vous trouverez le texte de cet appel ainsi que la liste des signataires en date du 4 février ci-dessous.
Contacts: Ali Yurttagul 0090 536 308 76 74 / Magalie Cleeren 0032 4 79 65 53 07
MEP’s appeal in support to Pinar Selek
This February 9, Pinar Selek will be retried for the umpteenth time after 13 years of judicial harassment. Kafkian trials where she is charged ofhaving placed a bomb in the Egyptian Bazaar in Istanbuldespite several reports attributing the explosion to a gas leak.
What are the « Crimes » this Turkish sociologist, writer and activist is accused of? Nothing else than analyzing society, questioning its taboos and engaging herself with the most vulnerable people. As an engaged citizen, she pays dearly her will to understand the Kurdish matter in a period dominated by a police state where torture was systematic.
Already cleared twice, her case is returned to the Supreme Court of Appeals’ Grand Chamberwithout any new evidence brought to the file; she now faces life imprisonment after judicial twists as incomprehensible and unacceptable in the light of Turkey’s commitments to human rights.
We listened to Pinar’s story when she was invited by the European Parliament, a story of injustice and continuing threats during the past 13 years. Convinced, as were the judges of first instance, of her innocence, we decided to join the « Friends of Pinar » group. We hope she will again be cleared on February 9 so she can finally build a free life.
We decided to bring this claim to the European Parliament debate and to support her battle for justice.
BÉLIER Sandrine (Greens/EFA – France)
BESSET Jean-Paul (Greens/EA – France)
BREPOELS Frieda(Greens/EFA – Belgium)
CANFIN Pascal (Greens/EFA- France)
CASHMAN Michael (S&D – United Kingdom)
CHOUNTIS Nikolaos (GUE/NGL – Greece)
COHN-BENDIT Daniel, (Greens/EFA – France) – Co-President of the Greens/ EFA group
DE BRÚN Bairbre (GUE/NGL – United Kingdom)
DELLI Karima (Greens/EFA – France)
DUFF Andrew (ALDE/ADLE – United Kingdom)
FLAUTRE Hélène, (Greens/EFA- France) – Co-President of the EU-Turkey Joint Parliamentary Committee
GOMES Ana (S&D – Portugal)
GRÈZE Catherine (Greens/EFA – France)
HALL Fiona (ALDE/ADLE – United Kingdom)
HAUTALA Heidi,(Greens/EFA – Finland) – Chair of the Sub-committee on Human Rights
JADOT Yannick (Greens/EFA – France)
JOLY Eva (Greens/EFA – France)
KELLER Franziska (Greens/EFA – Germany)
KIIL-NIELSEN Nicole (Greens/EFA – France)
KOPPA Maria Eleni, (S&D – Greece) – Vice President of the EU delegation to Turkey
KOUMOUTSAKOS Georgios, (EPP – Greece) – Vice President of the EU delegation to Turkey
LAMBERT Jean (Greens/EFA – United Kindgom)
LOCHBIHLER Barbara (Greens/EFA- Germany) – Member of the Sub-committee on Human Rights
LUDFORD Sarah (ALDE/ADLE – United Kingdom)
MCCARTHY Arlene (S&D – United Kingdom)
PAPADOPOULOU Antigoni (S&D – Cyprus)
RAPTI Sylvana (S&D – Greece)
RIVASI Michèle (Greens/EFA – France)
ROMEVA i RUEDA Raül (Greens/EFA – Spain)
RUEHLE Heide (Greens/EFA – Germany)
SØNDERGAARD Søren Bo (GUE/NGL – Denmark)
STAES Bart (Greens/EFA – Belgium)
STAVRAKAKIS Georgios (S&D – Greece)
SVENSSON Eva-Britt (GUE/NGL – Sweden)
TAYLOR Keith (Greens/EFA- United Kingdom)
TAVARES Rui (GUE/NGL – Portugal)
VERGIAT Marie-Christine (GUE/NGL – France)