Lyon City Hall welcomes Pinar Selek, Honorary Citizen of the City of Lyon

Lyon City Hall wel­comes Pinar Selek, Hono­ra­ry Citi­zen of the City of Lyon, for the hea­ring of her 5th court trial.

Pinar Selek has been char­ged by the Tur­kish judi­cia­ry since 1998 for her research on the Kurds.

The after­noon will alter­nate bet­ween remote moni­to­ring of her trial, speeches and artis­tic inter­ven­tions. ENS de Lyon will be at her side on June 28 at the Hôtel de Ville.

The event in sup­port of Pinar Selek will start at 12.30 pm with a speech by Sonia Zdo­rovt­zoff, Depu­ty Mayor of Lyon, in charge of inter­na­tio­nal rela­tions, coope­ra­tion and soli­da­ri­ty. The trial in Istan­bul is due to start at 1pm, and it is plan­ned to fol­low it « live » with Pinar Selek’s sup­por­ters in Tur­key, while atten­ding a num­ber of speeches, tes­ti­mo­nies or rea­dings that will enligh­ten the exchanges. Lyon Mayor Gré­go­ry Dou­cet is expec­ted to lend his sup­port at around 3.30pm (see the pro­vi­sio­nal sche­dule)

The day will close with a soli­da­ri­ty chain for­med by those present at the Hôtel de Ville and a choir in the Place de la Comé­die.

Wha­te­ver the ver­dict, we stand by Pinar Selek and her eter­nal quest for free­dom and jus­tice.

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