Following the latest murders of Kurds in Paris, the Pinar Selek solidarity groups are expressing their solidarity with the Kurdish people. They recall the warnings issued by the writer and sociologist persecuted by the Turkish authorities and denounce « successive governments that do not actively protect the Kurdish community, nor all exiles and refugees in Turkey ». Just a week ago, our comrade and friend Pinar Selek wrote the following on her Mediapart blog : « With the green light from Russia and the complicit silence of the European community, which is trying to save its short-term economic and financial interests, the Turkish government is stepping up its attacks, accompanied by the murder of activists and intellectuals. […] Exiles are not safe, as the « Turkish services » are so active in Europe. The year 2023 is predictable : we will see new explosions or attacks organised by « invisible » people. The investigations will never be completed… As long as the Western countries do not take a clear position, Turkey will not emerge from the tunnel of horror ».
Today the horror is in Paris. Today the horror is repeated. Three Kurds have been murdered : Emine Kara, an important leader of the Kurdish Women’s Movement in France, the Kurdish singer Mîr Perwer, a political refugee, and an ordinary activist who devoted his life to defending the Kurdish cause. First of all, we would like to express our compassion and solidarity with all the victims of this horrific murder, and with their families too. But we also want to express our fear and anger. Fear that the French authorities will not shed full light on this terrorist act, as was the case with the murder of three Kurdish political activists on 9 January 2013 by a Turkish secret service agent. Anger at the French authorities for refusing political asylum to Emine Kara, an activist who fought against Daesh in Syria. Anger at successive governments that have failed for at least 15 years to actively protect the Kurdish community and all exiles and refugees in Turkey.
Berivan Firat, external relations spokesperson for the Kurdish Democratic Council in France (CDKF), believes that the Kurdish community has been directly targeted. In her view, the choice of a Kurdish cultural center, then a Kurdish restaurant and finally a Kurdish hairdresser was no accident. Choosing the time of a meeting of Kurdish feminists in France to prepare for the commemorations on 9 January 2013 was no coincidence either. This was a political act that stemmed from terrorism, not just racism. And if it was « only » a racist assassination, there is nothing to prevent us from thinking that the racist man may have been directed by the « Grey Wolves », who have become specialists in manipulation and political attacks in France and Europe. In fact, their priority targets are Kurdish activists who symbolise and embody transnational struggles against nationalist and authoritarian regimes.
Today we are saying that we need to re-read Guillaume Perrier’s analyses in an important interview published in Street Press under the following title : « How do the Turkish secret services deploy their networks in France?”
Based on very serious investigations, the journalist made the following observation : « In order not
to offend Ankara, France does not protect Kurdish militants on its territory… The criminalisation of the Kurdish movement in France dates back to 2007, under the mandate of Nicolas Sarkozy, whose aim was to maintain good relations with Turkey ».
Today nothing has changed in France, while the repression of the Kurdish people has never been so strong in Turkey and outside Turkey. Today France is silent so as not to displease Erdogan. As Pinar Selek wrote in her last blog : « France and Europe must break the silence ».
The national coordination of collectives in solidarity with Pinar Selek
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