« This condemnation is political. It has nothing to do with the law ». Life sentence for Pinar Selek, the Turkish sociologist who took refuge in Nice

In exile in Nice, the Tur­kish socio­lo­gist, fal­se­ly accu­sed of a ter­ro­rist attack 24 years ago, was acquit­ted four times by her coun­try’s courts before being sen­ten­ced on Tues­day by the Supreme Court.

She is in shock. Stun­ned. Pinar Selek, the 50-year-old Tur­kish socio­lo­gist and tea­cher-resear­cher at Côte d’A­zur Uni­ver­si­ty, was told by her Tur­kish lawyers on Tues­day eve­ning that she had been sen­ten­ced to life impri­son­ment for an attack that was not an attack. The sen­tence was han­ded down by the Supreme Court 24 years after an explo­sion in the Istan­bul spice mar­ket that killed seven people and inju­red 121.

« This sen­tence is poli­ti­cal. It has nothing to do with the law. I was convic­ted for my research. A sto­ry has been inven­ted to cri­mi­na­lise my convic­tion », said Pinar Selek, who was contac­ted by tele­phone on Wed­nes­day.

At the time, aged 27, the young woman, femi­nist, wri­ter and anti-mili­ta­rist, had just car­ried out research on the Kur­dish com­mu­ni­ty.

Impri­so­ned and tor­tu­red to make her give up the names of her Kur­dish contacts — which she has always refu­sed to do — she lear­ned in pri­son that a man she does not know had clai­med to have car­ried out an attack with her on behalf of the PKK (Kur­dis­tan Wor­kers » Par­ty, an armed Kur­dish poli­ti­cal orga­ni­sa­tion).

Acquit­ted four times

Des­pite four acquit­tals, the jus­tice sys­tem per­sis­ted, appeal after appeal. In 2017, the Tur­kish Court of Cas­sa­tion, the highest autho­ri­ty, sen­ten­ced Pinar Selek to life impri­son­ment. Since then, there has been no news…

« This judg­ment is not only unjust and sen­se­less, but also inhu­mane, inso­far as there are nume­rous expert reports in the case which esta­blish that it was an explo­sion cau­sed by a gas leak. Not once was my sta­te­ment taken on this issue. I have not been asked a single ques­tion on this sub­ject », she explains in a sta­te­ment draf­ted with her lawyers.

« I will fight to the end ».

« The trial was laun­ched sole­ly on the basis of the tes­ti­mo­ny of Abdül­me­cit O., who said that we had acted toge­ther, but later denied his sta­te­ment in court because it had been extrac­ted under tor­ture. This per­son was acquit­ted with me and his acquit­tal was final, and an appeal is being sought only against my acquit­tal. This judg­ment the­re­fore has nothing to do with the law. As the rea­sons for the judg­ment have not yet been publi­shed, I can­not com­ment fur­ther. I and we will fight this injus­tice to the bit­ter end.

The com­ba­tive Tur­kish socio­lo­gist is deter­mi­ned to fight to the bit­ter end. She plans to take her case to the Consti­tu­tio­nal Court and the Euro­pean Court of Human Rights. « I have no choice.


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