Türkiye : Politically motivated charges against PEN member Pınar Selek must be dropped

“That PEN Tür­kiye mem­ber Pınar Selek finds her­self once again on trial after being acquit­ted of all charges on four sepa­rate occa­sions is nothing less but a tra­ves­ty of jus­tice, and a chil­ling remin­der of the risks faced by those in Tür­kiye who dare express dis­sen­ting views. Selek has been per­se­cu­ted by the autho­ri­ties of Tür­kiye for 26 years – half her life. Her poli­ti­cal­ly moti­va­ted ordeal must end once and for all”, said Ma Thi­da, Chair of PEN International’s Wri­ters in Pri­son Com­mit­tee.

24 June 2024 – The autho­ri­ties of Tür­kiye must drop all charges against renow­ned socio­lo­gist and PEN Tür­kiye mem­ber Pınar Selek, PEN Inter­na­tio­nal said today, ahead of her hea­ring in Istan­bul on 28 June. She faces an aggra­va­ted life sen­tence on trum­ped up ter­ro­rism grounds if convic­ted.

Socio­lo­gist, femi­nist, wri­ter, and PEN Tür­kiye mem­ber Pınar Selek has faced a decades-long trial over a 1998 explo­sion that occur­red in the Istan­bul Spice Bazaar, a tra­ge­dy that killed seven and inju­red over 100. Arres­ted in July 1998, Selek spent over two years in pri­son, where she said she suf­fe­red tor­ture and other ill-treat­ment. Selek was acquit­ted of all charges four times – in 2006, 2008, 2011 and 2014 – due to the tes­ti­mo­ny of expert wit­nesses that clai­med that the cause of the explo­sion was a gas leak rather than a bomb, yet courts orde­red retrials after each of these acquit­tals. On 21 June 2022, Türkiye’s Supreme Court over­tur­ned Selek’s fourth acquit­tal. Her fifth trial before the Istan­bul Cri­mi­nal Court ope­ned on 31 March 2023 ; the case was post­po­ned to 29 Sep­tem­ber 2023, before being adjour­ned to 28 June 2024. She remains the sub­ject of an inter­na­tio­nal arrest war­rant.

PEN Inter­na­tio­nal believes that the pro­se­cu­tion of Pınar Selek is lin­ked to her work as a socio­lo­gist resear­ching Kur­dish com­mu­ni­ties in the mid-to-late 1990s, and that she is being pur­sued through the courts as a means of pena­li­sing her for her legi­ti­mate research and com­men­ta­ry. At the time of her arrest, Selek had been wor­king on an oral his­to­ry of the ban­ned Kurdistan’s Wor­kers Par­ty (PKK) and tal­king to some PKK mem­bers to find out why they had cho­sen armed vio­lence. Selek repor­ted being tor­tu­red under inves­ti­ga­tion, in an attempt to coerce her into divul­ging the names of indi­vi­duals she had inter­vie­wed as part of her research.

The situa­tion for free­dom of expres­sion in Tür­kiye remains a grave concern. In Sep­tem­ber 2022, the Assem­bly of Dele­gates of PEN Inter­na­tio­nal nota­bly adop­ted a reso­lu­tion cal­ling on the autho­ri­ties of Tür­kiye to end the pro­se­cu­tion and deten­tion of wri­ters on the basis of the content of their wri­ting – inclu­ding in sup­port of Kur­dish lan­guage and culture – and to imme­dia­te­ly release all those held for pea­ce­ful­ly expres­sing their views.

Pınar Selek, born on 8 Octo­ber 1971, has writ­ten exten­si­ve­ly about the plight of women, the poor, street chil­dren, the LGBTI com­mu­ni­ty and the Kurds in Tür­kiye. She is one of the foun­ding edi­tors of Amar­gi, a Tur­kish femi­nist jour­nal. Her latest book Le Chau­dron Mili­taire Turc (The Mili­ta­ry Caul­dron) was publi­shed in Novem­ber 2023. She has been living in France since 2012 and holds both French and Tur­kish citi­zen­ship. PEN Inter­na­tio­nal and PEN Centres have long sup­por­ted Selek, inclu­ding by nota­bly obser­ving her trial hea­rings and cam­pai­gning for all charges against her to be drop­ped. She is a for­mer resident of Ger­man PEN’s Wri­ters-in-Exile pro­gramme.

For more infor­ma­tion about PEN International’s work on Tür­kiye and cam­pai­gn for Pınar Selek, please see War, Cen­sor­ship and Per­se­cu­tion, PEN International’s Case List 2023/2024, which docu­ments 122 cases of per­se­cu­ted wri­ters world­wide, inclu­ding Selek.

Note to Edi­tors

For fur­ther infor­ma­tion please contact Auré­lia Don­do, Head of Europe and Cen­tral Asia Region : Aurelia.dondo@pen-international.org


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