Putting an end to Turkish Judiciary harassment.

The 9th of Februa­ry 2011, we applau­ded the third deci­sion of acquit­tal in favour of Pinar selek, which was sup­po­sed to put a final point to almost 14 years of a « kaf­kaian » legal bat­tle.

Last Novem­ber, out of any expec­ta­tions a judi­cia­ry « coup d’E­tat » was sta­ged by the same court. As a result, Pinar Selek is again facing a life sen­tence.
This new unex­pec­ted deve­lop­ment is detri­men­tal both to Tur­kish judi­cia­ry sys­tem’s lia­bi­li­ty and Tur­key’s repu­ta­tion abroad. As Friends of Tur­key who sup­port the judi­cia­ry reforms to ensure a secure and inde­pendent jus­tice, this last deci­sion made us voi­ce­less.

We pledge for the end of this judi­cia­ry harass­ment and the res­pect of the state of law in Tur­key

Daniel Cohn Ben­dit ( Co Pre­sident of Green/EFA Group in the Euro­pean Par­lia­ment),

Hélène Flautre ( Co-Pre­sident of the JPC EU-Tur­key ),

Sarah Lud­ford ( Vice Pre­sident of Libe­ral Group in the Euro­pean Par­lia­ment), 

Marie Ele­ni Kop­pa (Vice Pre­sident of the JPC EU-Tur­key ),

Bar­ba­ra Loch­bi­ler ( Pre­sident of the Sub Com­mit­tee on Human Rights in the Euro­pean Par­laiment)

Clau­dia Roth(Co-President — Bünd­nis 90/Die Grü­nen)


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