Türkiye : Politically motivated charges against PEN member Pınar Selek must be dropped

“That PEN Tür­kiye mem­ber Pınar Selek finds her­self once again on trial after being acquit­ted of all charges on four sepa­rate occa­sions is nothing less but a tra­ves­ty of jus­tice, and a chil­ling remin­der of the risks faced by those in Tür­kiye who dare express dis­sen­ting views. Selek has been per­se­cu­ted by the autho­ri­ties of En savoir plus surTür­kiye : Poli­ti­cal­ly moti­va­ted charges against PEN mem­ber Pınar Selek must be drop­ped[…]

Lyon City Hall welcomes Pinar Selek, Honorary Citizen of the City of Lyon

Lyon City Hall wel­comes Pinar Selek, Hono­ra­ry Citi­zen of the City of Lyon, for the hea­ring of her 5th court trial. Pinar Selek has been char­ged by the Tur­kish judi­cia­ry since 1998 for her research on the Kurds. The after­noon will alter­nate bet­ween remote moni­to­ring of her trial, speeches and artis­tic inter­ven­tions. ENS de Lyon En savoir plus sur­Lyon City Hall wel­comes Pinar Selek, Hono­ra­ry Citi­zen of the City of Lyon[…]

Joint Statement by the French Sociological Association and the ISA in support of Prof. Pinar Selek

On June 28, 2024, the fifth trial against Pro­fes­sor Pinar Selek will start in Istan­bul. A renow­ned socio­lo­gist and wri­ter, cur­rent­ly a Pro­fes­sor at the Uni­ver­si­té de Côte d’Azur in France, Dr. Pinar Selek has been the sub­ject of four trials since 1998. Her judi­cial pro­blems star­ted when she was indic­ted for refu­sing to hand over En savoir plus sur­Joint Sta­te­ment by the French Socio­lo­gi­cal Asso­cia­tion and the ISA in sup­port of Prof. Pinar Selek[…]

The major events in the trial of Pinar Selek, feminist and anti-militarist activist

1998 – Arrest Pinar Selek is ques­tio­ned about her research on the Kur­dish issue. She is impri­so­ned for her alle­ged invol­ve­ment with the PKK and is tor­tu­red for refu­sing to dis­close the names of her Kur­dish contacts. While in pri­son, she learns on TV that she is char­ged with ter­ro­rist acti­vi­ty fol­lo­wing a recent explo­sion En savoir plus surThe major events in the trial of Pinar Selek, femi­nist and anti-mili­ta­rist acti­vist[…]

On 28 June, we will be in Istanbul again

On 28 June 2024, an ump­teenth hea­ring will be held in Istan­bul in the ini­qui­tous trial which began 26 years ago against Pınar Selek, the Fran­­co-Tur­­kish wri­ter and socio­lo­gist, fal­se­ly accu­sed of ter­ro­rism and alrea­dy acquit­ted 4 times. This is because eve­ry time a court of jus­tice has exa­mi­ned the merits of the case, it En savoir plus surOn 28 June, we will be in Istan­bul again[…]

As the court hearing on 29 September approaches, our fight for law and justice intensifies

With three weeks to go before the new court hea­ring in Istan­bul, the Coor­di­na­tion of Col­lec­tives in Soli­da­ri­ty with Pınar Selek wel­comes the conti­nuing mobi­li­sa­tion, as well as the many ini­tia­tives taken not only in France and Tur­key, but also in Swit­zer­land, Bel­gium, Ger­ma­ny and elsew­here in Europe. This soli­da­ri­ty takes many forms : public rea­dings En savoir plus sur­As the court hea­ring on 29 Sep­tem­ber approaches, our fight for law and jus­tice inten­si­fies[…]

The tragedy that has struck Turkey is also the product of an authoritarian policy

The tra­gic ear­th­quake that has just struck Tur­key once again high­lights the repres­sive nature of the regime and the muzz­ling of fun­da­men­tal free­doms. The col­lec­tives in soli­da­ri­ty with Pinar Selek express their full soli­da­ri­ty with all the people affec­ted by this disas­ter. They stron­gly denounce the Tur­kish state which, in order to conso­li­date its autho­ri­ta­rian En savoir plus surThe tra­ge­dy that has struck Tur­key is also the pro­duct of an autho­ri­ta­rian poli­cy[…]

Sentencing of Pinar Selek : call for solidarity for her and « all the victims of the Turkish authorities ».

Fran­­co-Tur­­kish resear­cher and acti­vist Pinar Selek, who has been living in exile since 2009, has come under rene­wed attack from Tur­key. Soli­da­ri­ty com­mit­tees are mobi­li­sing to sup­port her and are cal­ling on the French govern­ment to back her. The Tur­kish state is conti­nuing its per­se­cu­tion of Pinar Selek, a socio­lo­gist and wri­ter, envi­ron­men­ta­list, femi­nist and En savoir plus sur­Sen­ten­cing of Pinar Selek : call for soli­da­ri­ty for her and « all the vic­tims of the Tur­kish autho­ri­ties ».[…]

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