Türkiye : Politically motivated charges against PEN member Pınar Selek must be dropped

“That PEN Tür­kiye mem­ber Pınar Selek finds her­self once again on trial after being acquit­ted of all charges on four sepa­rate occa­sions is nothing less but a tra­ves­ty of jus­tice, and a chil­ling remin­der of the risks faced by those in Tür­kiye who dare express dis­sen­ting views. Selek has been per­se­cu­ted by the autho­ri­ties of En savoir plus surTür­kiye : Poli­ti­cal­ly moti­va­ted charges against PEN mem­ber Pınar Selek must be drop­ped[…]

Joint Statement by the French Sociological Association and the ISA in support of Prof. Pinar Selek

On June 28, 2024, the fifth trial against Pro­fes­sor Pinar Selek will start in Istan­bul. A renow­ned socio­lo­gist and wri­ter, cur­rent­ly a Pro­fes­sor at the Uni­ver­si­té de Côte d’Azur in France, Dr. Pinar Selek has been the sub­ject of four trials since 1998. Her judi­cial pro­blems star­ted when she was indic­ted for refu­sing to hand over En savoir plus sur­Joint Sta­te­ment by the French Socio­lo­gi­cal Asso­cia­tion and the ISA in sup­port of Prof. Pinar Selek[…]

On 28 June, we will be in Istanbul again

On 28 June 2024, an ump­teenth hea­ring will be held in Istan­bul in the ini­qui­tous trial which began 26 years ago against Pınar Selek, the Fran­­co-Tur­­kish wri­ter and socio­lo­gist, fal­se­ly accu­sed of ter­ro­rism and alrea­dy acquit­ted 4 times. This is because eve­ry time a court of jus­tice has exa­mi­ned the merits of the case, it En savoir plus surOn 28 June, we will be in Istan­bul again[…]

As the court hearing on 29 September approaches, our fight for law and justice intensifies

With three weeks to go before the new court hea­ring in Istan­bul, the Coor­di­na­tion of Col­lec­tives in Soli­da­ri­ty with Pınar Selek wel­comes the conti­nuing mobi­li­sa­tion, as well as the many ini­tia­tives taken not only in France and Tur­key, but also in Swit­zer­land, Bel­gium, Ger­ma­ny and elsew­here in Europe. This soli­da­ri­ty takes many forms : public rea­dings En savoir plus sur­As the court hea­ring on 29 Sep­tem­ber approaches, our fight for law and jus­tice inten­si­fies[…]

« This condemnation is political. It has nothing to do with the law ». Life sentence for Pinar Selek, the Turkish sociologist who took refuge in Nice

In exile in Nice, the Tur­kish socio­lo­gist, fal­se­ly accu­sed of a ter­ro­rist attack 24 years ago, was acquit­ted four times by her coun­try’s courts before being sen­ten­ced on Tues­day by the Supreme Court. She is in shock. Stun­ned. Pinar Selek, the 50-year-old Tur­kish socio­lo­gist and tea­­cher-resear­­cher at Côte d’A­zur Uni­ver­si­ty, was told by her Tur­kish En savoir plus sur« This condem­na­tion is poli­ti­cal. It has nothing to do with the law ». Life sen­tence for Pinar Selek, the Tur­kish socio­lo­gist who took refuge in Nice[…]

Pinar Selek, acrobatic feminism and combat poetry

by Chris­tian Rinau­do and Éric Man­gion Born in Istan­bul in 1971, Pinar Selek is a Tur­kish wri­ter, socio­lo­gist and acti­vist. Exi­led to France after fleeing the Tur­kish dic­ta­tor­ship and pri­son, she talks to us about her expe­rience, her struggles and her vision of a world in the pro­cess of, in her own words, « rhi­no­ce­ri­sa­tion ». An En savoir plus sur­Pi­nar Selek, acro­ba­tic femi­nism and com­bat poe­try[…]

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